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Hayat Irbid Forum

منتدى حياة إربد يرحب بكم

و يا 100 مليون مرحبا

سارع الآن وسجل معنا وتمتع بخدماتنا

* إذا لم تصل رسالة التفعيل إلى البريد الإلكتروني ستقوم الإدارة خلال 24 ساعة بتفعيل الإشتراك *

Hayat Irbid Forum

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مجموع عدد الأصوات : 15

المواضيع الأخيرة

» سجل حضورك اليومي ب ( لا اله الا الله )
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» نقدم لكم اقفال ابواب عصرية وغريبة!
عمان انجليزي Empty24/9/2015, 11:53 pm من طرف HACK

» البتراء
عمان انجليزي Empty19/3/2015, 7:43 pm من طرف الغــــريب

» سحر غروب الشمس في صحراء الجزائر وسحر الجزائر
عمان انجليزي Empty28/6/2014, 5:49 pm من طرف الغــــريب

» الأردن اولا وستبقى اولاٌ
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» أجمل 30 جملة قالوها عن الحب
عمان انجليزي Empty13/5/2014, 9:49 am من طرف حسين العنوز

» برنامج لتسريع التحميل 4 اضعاف
عمان انجليزي Empty8/3/2014, 5:08 pm من طرف honawael1

» زد حسناتك واقرأ هذا الدعاء
عمان انجليزي Empty14/1/2014, 9:07 pm من طرف PRINC

» اجمل الصفات (رووووووووووووووووووووعة لكل الاجيال)
عمان انجليزي Empty14/1/2014, 9:02 pm من طرف PRINC

» هل تعلمون؟ القاء تفاحة في القمامة يعني القاء 70 ليترا من المياه!
عمان انجليزي Empty14/1/2014, 8:59 pm من طرف PRINC

» أحــبـبــتـكِ عـــمــراً ,,,
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» عضو جديد
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» اسئلة للشباب والبنات فهل تتحدى نفسك للاجابة عليها ؟
عمان انجليزي Empty25/6/2013, 1:02 pm من طرف HACK

» أنا عضوة جديدة هل من مرحب بي معكم
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» شرطي مرور...احمققققققققق
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» الشباب لما يدخلو ع الجامعة
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» عدت بعد غياب فهل لي مكان بينكم
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» الدمج
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» التعارف
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» ضع علامه ( √ ) او (×) امام العبارات التاليه معَ تصحيح الخطأ :
عمان انجليزي Empty3/4/2012, 11:40 am من طرف نور الجنة

حكومة منتدى حياة اربد

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ارسال الهدايا

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المرسل  الهدية المرسل اليه

2 مشترك

    عمان انجليزي

    حسين العنوز
    حسين العنوز

    رصيد الالماس رصيد الالماس : 1
    ذكر الميزان عدد المساهمات : 8034
    احترام القوانين : عمان انجليزي Untitl42
    بلدك : الأردن
    المدينة : اربد
    سيارتي : kia
    الهوايه : عمان انجليزي Writin10

    عمان انجليزي Empty عمان انجليزي

    مُساهمة من طرف حسين العنوز 20/9/2010, 7:10 pm

    History on the city of Amman and its secretariat

    Oman Arab city entrenched in ancient times, dating Aljkther than eight thousand years BC, it fluctuated vicissitudes timeworn ancient civilizations of the past and felt like any other cities progress and prosperity and periods of retreat and decline. When March created the first human agriculture showers tables and walls of the huge stone structures to worship the sun, the moon and stars and impact the rest of them in Amman stoning cabbage in Jebel Amman overlooking the valley Sqrh. Presented with shepherds Alhecsus and taken with them the seeds of civilization of Egypt, started by tribes Giants senior swallow tribes built Ammoun (Alamonyen) who reportedly gave the city name in the first name Rabbo Ammoun and Rabbah mean capital or Dar King then fell with the passage of time the word Rabbo remained Ammoun which Hortha peoples successive later to Amman
    Then came Oman Assyrians and Babylonians under Alsitrhaleonanih signed during the fourth century BC and occupied Batalsh year (284) BC led by Ptolemy Veladlphus new city built on the ruins of the old city and gave it a new name is derived from the name (Philadelphia), I mean the city of brotherly love. In 1878 AD arrived in Amman, the first batch of Circassians Muslims from the tribe Ahapsog immigrants from the Caucasus, who lived at the site at the foot of Mount citadel has become known as the neighborhood Ahapsog and remained a Circassian village often Amman until the First World War

    The first municipal council was established in the city in 1909 and has become the center of the Directorate of hand in 1914, the population of about 300 families 1500-2000 people but the commercial activity which attracted traders to the authorities and Damascus, Nablus and Jaffa, Jerusalem and elsewhere have increased the importance of Oman days the First World War became as a center for mobilizing due to the presence of the Ottoman railway station near
    Receipt and His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein flag blessed continue the march begun by the founder Prince Abdullah bin Al-Hussein first God's mercy and His Majesty the King Talal good then God bless His Majesty the late King Hussein Bin Talal good God bless the march of construction and reconstruction, progress and prosperity through the effort towards greater prosperity and stability and reunification of the Arabs to build a better tomorrow for our nation Arabihalmagda this capital city of Amman Arab oasis of security and stability is firmly entrenched and to get to the third millennium their loyalty to the Arab Nation and chest Alraum each sons by Arab

    When talking about Oman, present and future that Oman planned to be an available material capabilities beyond the attempt to jump on the biography of this most important subject DC loses its elements, however, the capital of Oman Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, another story is hardly a model for the challenge of Rights and the extraordinary ability making miracles in very complex conditions, and to meet new developments consecutive difficult one, just imagine the possibility of addressing them and get satisfactory results
    The special circumstances Cairo, which has in the past four decades to rise buildings are not subject to any rules architectural, as it already planning scenarios planners and engineers in Amman with the increasing population and number of buildings, dozens of times over a short period of time, and is now approaching the million people, which means it was needed the doubling of services in various fields after each increase in the population and buildings; secretariat building located downtown Amman Alkbrevi takes the yards and gardens and meetings break serving the citizen and enjoyable time, with the secretariat of Greater Amman currently 13000 officer and employee, working in the service area population is estimated at about 688 km 20 divided into administrative regions

    The number of administrative districts in the municipality of Greater Amman 20 area geographically distributed containing all the crew of an integrated staff, either there Nahihaladareih the municipality of Greater Amman, which includes 40 Edwabrouash HE Secretary Greater Amman; and the divided turn fourteen different with the Commission secretariat Greater Amman many Chambers service, which works day and night to keep the capital Alteetmthel interface Jordan reflecting their civilization and development and vital for the age and the municipality of Greater Amman supports the establishment of recreational and cultural activities and many festivals during the year to complete sense of the beauty of the place citizen and the need to rest the psychological effect of self -
    That is the municipality of Greater Amman in brief is not enough for his secretary and staff all liabilities and location of the capital Amman is believed Alhabibhbhltha completion of the new finds and functions; municipality of Greater Amman that Oman is currently inadequate and its streets and decent level reached by cultural institutions to attract thousands of citizens of Arab States friendly neighbors in search of rest and treatment, and tourism capital not adjacent sea and river-proof, however, is provide you some days of rest where they provide you all Matanajh and feel there is no need for you to the Sea, in the River

    حمزه العنوز
    حمزه العنوز

    رصيد الالماس رصيد الالماس : 1120
    ذكر القوس عدد المساهمات : 518
    احترام القوانين : عمان انجليزي Untitl42
    بلدك : الأردن
    المدينة : IRBID
    سيارتي : bmw
    الهوايه : عمان انجليزي Travel10

    عمان انجليزي Empty رد: عمان انجليزي

    مُساهمة من طرف حمزه العنوز 17/12/2010, 5:43 pm

    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 15/11/2024, 6:16 am