Hayat Irbid Forum

منتدى حياة إربد يرحب بكم

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Hayat Irbid Forum

منتدى حياة إربد يرحب بكم

و يا 100 مليون مرحبا

سارع الآن وسجل معنا وتمتع بخدماتنا

* إذا لم تصل رسالة التفعيل إلى البريد الإلكتروني ستقوم الإدارة خلال 24 ساعة بتفعيل الإشتراك *

Hayat Irbid Forum

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Hayat Irbid Forum

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مجموع عدد الأصوات : 15

المواضيع الأخيرة

» سجل حضورك اليومي ب ( لا اله الا الله )
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty25/4/2023, 2:48 am من طرف HACK

» نقدم لكم اقفال ابواب عصرية وغريبة!
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty24/9/2015, 11:53 pm من طرف HACK

» البتراء
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty19/3/2015, 7:43 pm من طرف الغــــريب

» سحر غروب الشمس في صحراء الجزائر وسحر الجزائر
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty28/6/2014, 5:49 pm من طرف الغــــريب

» الأردن اولا وستبقى اولاٌ
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty28/6/2014, 5:43 pm من طرف الغــــريب

» أجمل 30 جملة قالوها عن الحب
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty13/5/2014, 9:49 am من طرف حسين العنوز

» برنامج لتسريع التحميل 4 اضعاف
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty8/3/2014, 5:08 pm من طرف honawael1

» زد حسناتك واقرأ هذا الدعاء
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty14/1/2014, 9:07 pm من طرف PRINC

» اجمل الصفات (رووووووووووووووووووووعة لكل الاجيال)
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty14/1/2014, 9:02 pm من طرف PRINC

» هل تعلمون؟ القاء تفاحة في القمامة يعني القاء 70 ليترا من المياه!
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty14/1/2014, 8:59 pm من طرف PRINC

» أحــبـبــتـكِ عـــمــراً ,,,
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty27/11/2013, 2:01 pm من طرف عقله ابو قنوه

» عضو جديد
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty27/11/2013, 1:11 pm من طرف عقله ابو قنوه

» اسئلة للشباب والبنات فهل تتحدى نفسك للاجابة عليها ؟
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty25/6/2013, 1:02 pm من طرف HACK

» أنا عضوة جديدة هل من مرحب بي معكم
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty14/1/2013, 1:54 pm من طرف csandra

» شرطي مرور...احمققققققققق
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty4/8/2012, 9:15 pm من طرف دلع

» الشباب لما يدخلو ع الجامعة
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty28/6/2012, 4:34 am من طرف ابو سدين

» عدت بعد غياب فهل لي مكان بينكم
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty28/6/2012, 4:30 am من طرف ابو سدين

» الدمج
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty28/6/2012, 4:21 am من طرف ابو سدين

» التعارف
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty28/6/2012, 4:18 am من طرف ابو سدين

» ضع علامه ( √ ) او (×) امام العبارات التاليه معَ تصحيح الخطأ :
ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty3/4/2012, 11:40 am من طرف نور الجنة

حكومة منتدى حياة اربد

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اكثر 10 اعضاء فاتحي المواضيع في المنتدى

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ابراهيم الحجوج


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   وسام الحب 1986   

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ارسال الهدايا

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المرسل  الهدية المرسل اليه

2 مشترك

    ابن ماجد انجليزي

    حسين العنوز
    حسين العنوز

    رصيد الالماس رصيد الالماس : 1
    ذكر الميزان عدد المساهمات : 8034
    احترام القوانين : ابن ماجد انجليزي Untitl42
    بلدك : الأردن
    المدينة : اربد
    سيارتي : kia
    الهوايه : ابن ماجد انجليزي Writin10

    ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty ابن ماجد انجليزي

    مُساهمة من طرف حسين العنوز 18/9/2010, 2:49 pm

    Ibn Majid
    Sat (Shahabuddin Ahmed bin Majid) contemplates his father with great interest he tells his adventures at sea, and lists the wonders that he saw in his travels, his father was a captain
    (Commander of the ship) was launched by the sailors (captain brane) any pre-Arab Persians dander.
    He had finished, the father of his stories until he said (Shahabuddin Ahmed): Dad, I want to be with you in your next trip, I want to see the lands of the Persians, and see with my own eyes the wonders that tell us, he smiled the father in his son's face, and wipes his head tenderly and said: When you grow up
    Oh and I will Osahbk me, then leave him busy travel arrangements and prepare for the next flight, which came close on time, and time to go to the land of God's, and the ship and raise the sailors, sails, and has been Shahabuddin Ahmed waving to his father goodbye, until the ship disappeared from view, and then returned sad to home, but remember that the father had promised to take him in the next flight if mastered reading, writing and completed the Quran, and read all the books written by the father on his travels and wrote other sailors; even be fit to ride the sea, took Shahabuddin Ahmed preserves the Koran and learn arithmetic, came a letter books of his father and his name (Alorjosp Hijaz), which includes more than a thousand house in the description of navigation in the Red Sea, we read and what saves it.
    And the large Shihab-Eldin, and increased experience and knowledge in the sea and its secrets, even the most celebrated master of the Arabian Gulf, called the crew: (a lion of the sea) was occupied by his popularity and functions of the many knowledge of his Lord, was starting his travels always to pray, and calls from him to the large number of male depuration and not overlooked from the verses of God, he says: (It should if you have installed the sea to be required purity, in the ship you a guest of guests do not leave Bari
    Not say).
    The Shahabuddin Ahmed sailors skillful, very careful and take the appropriate means; it was not reassuring his heart before to check the boat after manufacture, before landing the sea to ensure the safety of passengers and baggage, and confirmed the validity of the organs of the ship and navigation tools to work before sailing, but on the back of the ship, It was a wise captain, Lena in saying, just in
    Rule, does not oppress anyone, patient, hard heart, ever vigilant little sleep.
    The Shahabuddin Ahmed proficient in astronomy, and had a simple way to identify the direction of the wind; where emphasis is on the boat column attached a piece of cloth made from silk to know the direction of the wind, and Shihab al-Din returns Fame
    Ahmed Bin Majid to being a capable airman nor to his works in Marine Science
    And navigation only, but also gained international fame when he led the Portuguese navigator ship (Vasco de Gama) from the port (Malindi) in the Kingdom (Kambaya)
    (Now Kenya) to India.
    He left (the son of Majid) many books on navigation in general, and Arab Shipping In particular, the development of rules, and describe the methods of marine navigation, and up his books to forty composed of the most important book: (interest in the assets of Flag of the sea and rules), a book According to the master and crew of access to the country without the required miles or deviation, as you know its latitude and longitude, it is possible to determine the Qibla, and the book: (container shortcut in the assets of marine science) .. And other important books.
    The Shahabuddin Ahmed bin Majid seas, he knew that the great historians and future generations will know of beyond, and by the traffic Arab great service he began to say:
    The fate of my life I just ignorant
    Men will come after you know my fate
    Has been recognized by the Government of Portugal with the help of Ibn Majid for the Vasco da Gama until he reached India from the town (Malindi, Kenya) on the coast of Africa; It maintained him there memorial commemorates this occasion, also tells the crew the people of Aden, they were if they wanted to travel, read the Fatiha by Ibn Majid; because he invented the magnetic compass.
    حمزه العنوز
    حمزه العنوز

    رصيد الالماس رصيد الالماس : 1120
    ذكر القوس عدد المساهمات : 518
    احترام القوانين : ابن ماجد انجليزي Untitl42
    بلدك : الأردن
    المدينة : IRBID
    سيارتي : bmw
    الهوايه : ابن ماجد انجليزي Travel10

    ابن ماجد انجليزي Empty رد: ابن ماجد انجليزي

    مُساهمة من طرف حمزه العنوز 17/12/2010, 6:21 pm

    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 15/11/2024, 8:31 am